Sunday, July 24, 2011

2011 Updated Obesity Statistics

As reported by the National Council on strength and fitness, here are Obesity stats that will and should shock you. The cost to Tax payers in health related medicine will be crippling if these trends continue.
  • 12 states now have obesity rates above 30% (4 years ago there was only one)
  • 20 years ago no state had obesity levels above 15% (today 38 states have obesity levels over 25%)
  • Regionally, the highest obesity levels are in the South (9 of 10 states with highest obesity rates)
  • Mississippi has had the highest obesity rates for the past 7 years running
  • Fastest growing number of obese per capita are in Oklahoma, Alabama, and Tennessee
  • In 1995 only 4 states had diabetes rates above 6%. Today 43 states have diabetes rates over 7%
  • Highest obesity rates are among racial and ethnic minority groups and the least educated and poor
  • Adult obesity rates for African Americans are over 40% in 15 states, >35% in 35 states and >30% in 43 states
  • Adult obesity rates for Latin Americans are above 35% in 4 states and over 30% in 23 states
  • Adult obesity rates for Caucasians are over 30% in 4 states (Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and West Virginia)
  • 33% of adults who did not graduate from high school are obese, compared to 21.5% who graduated from college
Let's get active everyone.

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